悉尼大学全奖博士 适合专业:机电工程、电气工程、电子工程、计算机工程,计算机科学、人工智能、机器人科学或相关专业 项目课题:自动驾驶和辅助驾驶的光场成像(Light Field Imaging for Autonomous and Assisted Driving) 项目时长:3.5年 申请截止日期:2022年6月19日23:59(悉尼时间) 项目介绍 The Robotic Imaging Lab at the University of Sydney, Australia has a fully-funded PhD position open in light field imaging for autonomous and assisted driving, in partnership with Ford Motor Company. This project will develop light field imaging approaches to enable next-generation performance in autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems. Challenges arise in devising long-range and wide-field-of-view 3D sensing solutions that offer low latency and operate under a wide variety of illumination and weather conditions. The project's aims include: · Designing and evaluating LF camera architectures suited to the challenges of autonomous and assisted driving, · Developing computationally efficient 3D vision pipelines that exploit the rich information that LF cameras capture to deliver next-generation robustness and performance, and · Running lab and field trials to rigorously evaluate novel sensing technologies for autonomous and assisted driving. Depending on interest and ability, there is an opportunity to explore novel optics for light field capture and/or digital architectures for low-power low-latency light field vision. 申请条件 · 拥有相关学科的学士学位 · 对光场成像和机器人技术研究感兴趣 · 优秀的沟通和人际交往能力 · 具有成像、图像处理和/或计算机视觉中的一项或多项经验 · 具有嵌入式处理、FPGA开发、ROS、Python、C++和/或深度学习框架的实践经验 申请材料 · 简历 · 非正式的成绩单 · 申请信 · RP · 一个2分钟的视频链接,包括以下内容: · 你最强的工程技能 · 你最喜欢的研究 · 描述一个你引以为豪的项目,已完成或即将完成的均可 请将以上5个申请材料邮件发送至donald.dansereau@sydney.edu.au进行申请,邮件标题:“LF Driving PhD Application: 你的姓名”。 |